Updated 26-Jan-2023 = Copyright (c) 2023 Corvairs of New Mexico ========================================== THE CONSTITUTION OF CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO HISTORY The Constitution was Ratified on 02-Jun-2004. 1974-Mar-17 - The first organized meeting of Corvair enthusiasts in Albuquerque 1974-Apr-10 - A group of eight people formed a Club: "Corvairs of New Mexico" 1974-Dec-03 - First issue of monthly CNM Newsletter, dated January 1975 1975-Oct-07 - The Club has its first formal election of officers 1981-Dec-02 - The Club is now incorporated in the state of New Mexico 1983-Jul-06 - The Club ratifies a Constitution 2004-Jun-02 - The Club amends and ratifies its new Constitution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Constitution of Corvairs of New Mexico - Ratified on 02-June-2004 I. Name & Purpose 1. Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) shall be a chartered chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA). 2. As a chartered CORSA Chapter, CNM shall be a leading example for and promote the preservation and enjoyment of all Corvair cars, trucks, related vehicles, and memorabilia. 3. CNM shall publish a monthly newsletter and any other informational publications the CNM Board of Directors approves. 4. CNM shall be empowered to acquire and sell real and personal property. 5. CNM and its name shall not be associated with any commercial enterprise or business for commercial and/or financial gain. 6. CNM shall not, nor shall it be represented so as to, associate with or engage in partisan politics. 7. CNM is a non-profit corporation as defined and authorized by the U.S. Federal Government Internal Revenue Code 501 (c), and the New Mexico State Corporation Commission (NMSCC). a. CNM is a 501 (c) (7) organization under (Social and Recreation Clubs (Hobby Clubs)) b. Federal Taxpayer Identification Number 85-0300022 c. NMSCC/ Authority Number 1117001 II. Members, Dues and Newsletter 1. Any individual of good character who has applied for membership shall be designated a primary CNM member upon payment of the appropriate dues. 2. All immediate family members of primary CNM members including children, until their 19th birthday or until age 23 if enrolled in college or another post-high school educational institution, shall enjoy all of the privileges and benefits of full membership in CNM. 3. CNM members are entitled and encouraged to attend meetings and participate in all CNM activities. 4. CNM members shall be entitled to vote, and to hold office in the chapter. 5. All CNM elections shall be decided by a majority vote of CNM members present. Proxy votes are not allowed. 6. The presiding CNM officer or designated presiding official at any meeting does not vote, except in the event of a tie, at which time the presiding officer or official is empowered to cast a tie breaking vote. 7. The dues for CNM membership shall be recommended by the CNM Board of Directors and approved by a vote of the CNM membership. CNM dues shall be charged for the calendar year beginning with the month of payment, and shall expire in the same month of the following year. Two additional months membership are credited when CNM dues are paid two years at a time. 8. CNM Newsletters shall only be mailed to primary members. The CNM Board of Directors, as described in paragraph III-1, shall approve any exceptions to mailing the CNM newsletter. III. Board of Directors, Officers and Newsletter Editor 1. CNM shall be governed by a Board of Directors (BoD) to be composed of officers, as described in paragraph III-5, and other members as appointed by the CNM President. 2. The CNM Board of Directors shall have general management authority over the affairs and property of CNM and shall perform all duties not otherwise designated by the CNM Constitution. 3. At any CNM Board of Directors meeting, a majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum, and decisions shall be made by a majority vote of directors present. 4. The CNM President, or the CNM President's designate, shall chair, as the presiding officer, CNM Board of Directors meetings. 5. CNM officers shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to be elected annually by the membership, as scheduled by the CNM Board of Directors. 6. Vacancies in any official CNM position shall be filled by CNM Presidential appointment until the next election. 7. Duties and Responsibilities of CNM Officers and Newsletter Editor. a. Duties and responsibilities of the CNM President: - Execute the office as the official and primary voice of CNM. - Represent CNM at CORSA and other CORSA Chapter activities. * The CNM President may draw a stipend, if authorized by the CNM Board of Directors, to attend the annual CORSA International Convention. - Preside at all CNM meetings or designate an alternate. - Appoint all CNM committee chairs and other committee members. * CNM standing committees: - Membership - Merchandise - New Mexico Car Council Liaison - Awards - Sunshine - CNM Webmaster b. Duties and responsibilities of the CNM Vice President: - Assume the duties and responsibilities of the CNM President in the CNM President's absence. - CNM social and activity planning. - Administration of CNM Award Committee. - CNM Awards Committee includes but is not limited to: - Ike Meissner Award Committee - Francis Boydston Award Committee c. Duties and responsibilities of the CNM Secretary: - Record, and make ready for publishing, the official minutes of any and all CNM meetings. - Maintain and manage all official correspondence for CNM, including, but not limited to, the annual CORSA Chapter Report. - Maintain the NMSCC report and any federal reports required - Maintain, with the CNM Membership Chair, the CNM Membership Roster to ensure timely and accurate updates to be published by the CNM Newsletter Editor and make available, on a periodic basis, to the CNM membership. d. Duties and responsibilities of the CNM Treasurer: - Maintain CNM Financial accounting. * Ensure that an alternate signatory, typically the CNM President, can access funds and perform duties in lieu of the CNM Treasurer, if necessary. - Collect and disburse all CNM monies. - Report financial status at CNM membership and CNM Board of Directors meetings. - Provide an annual financial report summary to be published in the CNM newsletter, following the annual election of CNM officers. e. Duties and responsibilities of the CNM Newsletter Editor: - Assemble, edit and publish and mail the CNM newsletter, in a timely manner, as to have it available to all members prior to the monthly CNM Membership Meeting. - Publish other official CNM information as requested and authorized by the Board of Directors. 8. Any and all CNM officials (officers, editor, Board of Directors members and committee chairs) shall serve without remuneration, except as specified in paragraphs III.7.a, or III.9. 9. Any individual incurring authorized expenses on behalf of CNM shall submit documentation of their expenses to be entitled to reimbursement, subject to approval by the CNM Board of Directors. IV. Meetings 1. CNM Membership meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of each calendar month at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors. 2. CNM Board of Directors meetings shall be held the third Wednesday of each calendar month at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors. 3. Special meetings for any official CNM activity or work shall be held at the discretion of the presiding individual. V. Amendments Amendment 1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted to the CNM Board of Directors, and if approved by majority vote, will be ratified by a vote of the membership. Amendment 2. As a supporting, incorporated chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA), Corvairs of New Mexico (CNM) members shall be required to be CORSA members, in advance or concurrently, to be eligible for membership in CNM, effective June 1, 1997. Exceptions for existing CNM members who are not CORSA members prior to June 1, 1997, are that they will remain CNM members in good standing as long as their CNM dues are current. Any lapse in CNM dues shall require those members to attain membership in CORSA to join CNM. Any CNM members who drop their membership in CORSA will be considered to have dropped their membership in CNM at the same time, requiring them to rejoin CORSA to rejoin CNM. Amendment 3. Section "IV. Meetings" paragraphs (1) and (2) are amended to read: 1. CNM Membership meetings will be held once each calendar month at a date, time and location approved by a majority of the membership. 2. CNM BoD meetings will be held at a date, time and location approved by a majority vote of the BoD. ======= HISTORY ======= 1976 APR Vol.02 Nr.015 We voted to approve our new constitution -- our first formal constitution. 1997 APR Vol.23 Nr.259 The Board proposed an amendment to require CORSA membership in order to join CNM. The board also proposed the position of "Fellowship Chairperson" who would keep the membership up to date on the health and welfare of members. 1997 MAY Vol.23 Nr.260 We planned to vote on the amendment to the constitution for the 100% CORSA membership proposal. 1978 DEC Vol.04 Nr.039 We amended the constitution provide for separate offices for secretary and treasurer. We provided for an appointed membership chairperson. 1991 April Publication of Bill Reider's CARE & FEEDING OF YOUR CORVAIR which included the text of our constitution. 1993 NOV Vol.19 Nr.218 Francis said the CNM constitution called for the treasurer to be bonded but this had never been done. We voted for the board to look into this. 2003 SEP Vol.29 Nr.336 Mark Domzalski said we have been thinking about reviewing the constitution to bring it up-to-date. We need more formal statements of job descriptions for the officer positions. 2003 OCT Vol.29 Nr.337 We need to set up a group to consider revising our Constitution. 2004 FEB Vol.30 Nr.341 The Bylaws & Constitution Review Committee will be composed of Mark Domzalski, Bill Reider, Sylvan Zuercher and Larry Hickerson. 2004 MAR Vol.30 Nr.342 The Bylaws & Constitution Committee is scheduled to meet on 13 March 2004. 2004 MAY Vol.30 Nr.344 The board hopes to have the report at the May Board meeting, with the board's comments incorporated and approved in June followed by presentation to the membership at the July 2004 meeting. 2004 JUN Vol.30 Nr.345 The Constitution Review Committee presented a draft to the board, which went through the draft and approved it. At the June general meeting: The big event of the evening was the reading and discussion of the draft for a new Constitution and bylaws for CNM. The draft was read through a line at a time and was open to discussion by the members. This took some time and some parts were re-phrased a number of times until everyone was satisfied. Finally everything was worded to the satisfaction of everyone, it was moved, seconded and approved by all the members that the new Constitution be adopted. It will be printed in full on our web site. 2004 OCT Vol.30 Nr.349 Bill Reider's CARE & FEEDING OF YOUR CORVAIR booklet went into its 6th printing and it included the text of the new CNM Constitution. 2004 DEC Vol.30 Nr.351 The new CNM Constitution sets forth descriptions of duties and responsibilities of officers, what standing committees exist and defines your membership. For anyone who is interested in becoming involved in the operation of CNM, the CNM Constitution is the place to learn how your chapter has chosen to operate. 2018 DEC Vol.45 Nr.520 The regular membership meeting, an amendment to the constitution was proposed so that: (1) We could hold regular membership meetings at a date other than the mandated First Wednesday of each month, and (2) So we could hold board meetings at a date other than the mandated Third Wednesday of each month. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. After discussion the amendment was approved by a majority of members present. =CNM= =END=